
Consult Mutindi

Privacy| Advisory| Compliance| Training

Day: March 28, 2019

Judiciary E-Filing System

The Commercial and Tax Division of the High Court of Kenya is currently piloting the judiciary e-filling system before roll out within the course of this year. The system accessed at is designed to facilitate: a) Electronic registration b) […]


Mutindi is a Certified Information Privacy Manager -by the International Association of Privacy Professionals-, a Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs Manager, an Author and an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. She has 11+ years’ experience in legal operations, regulatory affairs, privacy compliance & innovation, public policy, government relations, consumer protection, external affairs and regulatory advisory services. She is a member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) , Law Society of Kenya (LSK) and serves as a member of the Kenya Industrial Property Institute Liaison Committee for the LSK. Mutindi is also a member of the ICT Committee at the Pan African Lawyers Association (PALU) and a member of the Common Wealth Lawyers Association (CLA) and the Internet Society (Global, Kenya and Somalia Chapters as well as the Women , Youth and Cybersecurity Working Groups). Mutindi believes in People, Technology and the Law and is always glad to be of service!